Overview of NDIS
Western Australia statistics as of 31 March 2020
- 27,379 people in Western Australia benefiting from the NDIS
- 12,349 people receiving support for the first time.
- NDIS Participants – All Australians with diagnosed mental, physical disabilities or both.
What types of supports are funded?
The types of supports that the NDIS may fund for participants include:
- Daily personal activities
- Transport to enable participation in community, social, economic and daily life activities
- Workplace help to allow a participant to successfully get or keep employment in the open or supported labour market
- Therapeutic supports including behaviour support
- Help with household tasks to allow the participant to maintain their home environment
- Help to a participant by skilled personnel in aids or equipment assessment, set up and training
- Home modification design and construction
- Mobility equipment, and vehicle modifications.
How Long does NDIS scheme funded?
- Duration of NDIS Scheme – More than 20 years.
What is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?
- SDA is one of the supports that may be funded under the NDIS for some participants.
- SDA funding is provided to participants who require a specialist dwelling that reduces their need for person-to-person supports, or improves the efficiency of the delivery of person-to-person supports.
- SDA funding is only provided for participants who meet the eligibility criteria. Participants who meet the eligibility criteria will have an extreme functional impairment and/or very high support needs.