Category: Uncategorized

  • Free advocacy Service

    Complex High Care Disability service Pty Ltd give free advocacy services to Families with children with disability or needing a diagnosis from an Allied service professional. We help families set up new plans and get their children the diagnosis through Functional assessments. We sit with families at Plan meetings, so that their children will get…

  • Family friendly Service

    Our purpose is to provide an accommodation and Allied Health care service that is family friendly, and all our client are treated as a family member to live their lives to the fullest. We are currently helping families with children living with a disability to attain faster functional assessment services through our Allied health Services.…

  • Hello world!

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  • Services

    Complex High Care Disability Services Pty Ltd’s services include / will include: Seeking a place to live, which suitably caters to their type and level of needs; Assistance with household tasks – such as meal preparation and delivery, house or yard maintenance, cleaning and laundry; Assistance with daily personal activities to enable people to live…

  • Hello world!

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